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Biuro projektu:
ul. Włocławska 167 87-100 Toruń
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ofert - wniosków - brak app_link_zalacznik_info: /strona-4-informacje_o_zalacznikach.html app_map_drag_zoom_control: true app_map_drag_zoom_type: toolbox app_map_extended_mode: true app_map_map_size_x: 115 app_map_map_size_y: 115 app_map_marker_color: 0x44ABFF app_map_marker_enable: true app_map_pager_mode: false app_map_types: - google app_map_wikipedia: false app_max_upload_filesize: 256 app_max_wsparcie_maly: 30000 app_max_wsparcie_mikro: 10000 app_max_wsparcie_sredni: 70000 app_maxrotate: 6 app_mediaplayer_height: 505 app_mediaplayer_width: 897 app_miniatures_quality: 85 app_mobile_sidepanel_position: right app_mobile_subdomain_prefix: mobile app_modules: comn: { folder: Common, label: Ogólne } port: { folder: portal, label: Portal } news: { folder: aktualnosci, label: Aktualności } ankt: { folder: ankiety, label: Ankiety } galp: { folder: galeria, label: 'Galerie portalowe' } mult: { folder: multimedia, label: Multimedia } kali: { folder: kalendarz_imprez, label: 'Kalendarz wydarzeń' } gali: { folder: igaleria, label: 'Galerie internautów' } mapa: { folder: mapa, label: 'Mapa interaktywna' } info: { folder: info, label: Informator } trip: { folder: plan, label: 'Plan podróży' } doku: { folder: dokumenty, label: 'Baza dokumetnów' } epub: { folder: epublikacje, label: 'Publikacje elektroniczne' } errs: { folder: errors, label: 'Błąd 404' } uslg: { folder: baza_uslug, label: 'Baza usług' } subs: { folder: newsletter, label: Newsletter } zamp: { folder: zamowienia, label: 'Zamówienia publiczne' } seso: { folder: sesje_obrad, label: 'Sesje obrad' } link: { folder: polecaneLinki, label: 'Przydatne linki' } advs: { folder: ogloszenia, label: Ogłoszenia } kont: { folder: kontakt, label: 'Formularze kontaktu' } pogo: { folder: pogoda, label: Imieniny } wnsk: { folder: wnsk_wniosek, label: 'Wnioski o dofinansowanie' } app_napisy_dubbing: - 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99 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_wniosek_platnosc_new" (/nowa-platnosc-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id.html) |
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102 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_pismo_edit" (/edycja-pisma-uslugi-doradcze-:id.html) |
103 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_pismo_new" (/nowe-pismo-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id.html) |
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105 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_wspolnik_edit" (/edycja-wspolnika-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:id.html) |
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108 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_pelnomocnik_edit" (/edycja-pelnomocnika-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:id.html) |
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114 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_produkt_edit" (/edycja-produktu-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:id.html) |
115 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_produkt_new" (/nowy-produkt-uslugi-doradcze.html) |
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117 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_komplementarnosc_edit" (/edycja-komplementarnosci-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:id.html) |
118 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_komplementarnosc_new" (/nowa-komplementarnosc-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id.html) |
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120 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_zadanie_edit" (/edycja-zadania-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:id.html) |
121 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_zadanie_new" (/nowe-zadanie-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id.html) |
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123 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_koszt_edit" (/edycja-kosztu-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:zadanie_id-:id.html) |
124 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_koszt_new" (/nowy-koszt-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id-:zadanie_id.html) |
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126 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_sprawozdawczosc_new" (/nowa-sprawozdawczosc-uslugi-doradcze-:wniosek_id.html) |
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128 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_ud_sprawozdawczosc_kontrakt_new" (/nowy-kontrakt-uslugi-doradcze-:sprawozdawczosc_id.html) |
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133 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_udp_nabor_edit" (/edycja-naboru-udzial-w-misji-:id.html) |
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179 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wnsk_udp_harmonogram_platnosci_new" (/nowy-harmonogram-platnosci-udzial-w-misji-:wniosek_id.html) |
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189 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "planSzpitalaPietro" (/pietro-:id-:junk.html) |
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274 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_y_kat" (/wydarzenia-:year-kategoria-:kat.html) |
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278 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_ymd" (/wydarzenia-:year-:month-:day.html) |
279 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_ym" (/wydarzenia-:year-:month.html) |
280 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_y" (/wydarzenia-:year.html) |
281 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_kat_pager" (/wydarzenia-kategoria-:kat-strona-:page.html) |
282 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_kat" (/wydarzenia-kategoria-:kat.html) |
283 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "imprezabox_kategoria" (/kalendarz_imprez/:img_size/:limit/:shrink/:side_style/:promote/:hash_id/:title/:comp_id.html) |
284 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_szukaj_pager" (/wydarzenia-szukaj-strona-:page.html) |
285 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_pager" (/wydarzenia-strona-:page.html) |
286 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_wyczysc" (/wydarzenia-wszystkie.html) |
287 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista" (/wydarzenia.html) |
288 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_promo_pager" (/wydarzenia-promowane-strona-:page.html) |
289 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_promo" (/wydarzenia-promowane.html) |
290 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_harmonogram_pager" (/wydarzenia-harmonogram-strona-:page.html) |
291 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_harmonogram" (/wydarzenia-harmonogram.html) |
292 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_archiwum" (/archiwum-wydarzen.html) |
293 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_archiwum_pager" (/archiwum-wydarzen-strona-:page.html) |
294 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_opis" (/wydarzenie-:id-:junk.html) |
295 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_opis_wystapienie" (/wydarzenie-:id-:junk-szczegoly-:termin_id.html) |
296 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_opis_dzien" (/wydarzenie-:id-:junk-szczegolowo_z_dnia-:y-:m-:d.html) |
297 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_podglad" (/wydarzenie-podglad-:id-:junk.html) |
298 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_organizator" (/wydarzenia-organizator-:org.html) |
299 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_raport_pdf_kat_org" (/wydarzenia/raport_pdf/kategoria/:kat/organizacja/:org.html) |
300 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_raport_pdf_kat" (/wydarzenia/raport_pdf/kategoria/:kat.html) |
301 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_raport_pdf_org" (/wydarzenia/raport_pdf/organizator/:org.html) |
302 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_lista_raport_pdf" (/wydarzenia/raport_pdf.html) |
303 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "kali_rss" (/wydarzenia.xml) |
304 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa" (/mapa.html) |
305 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_search" (/mapa.html) |
306 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_kategoria" (/mapa-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk.html) |
307 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_obiekt" (/obiekt-:id-:junk.html) |
308 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_opis_json" (/obiekt-opis-json/:id.html) |
309 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_tile" (/tile-:zoom-:lat-:lng.png) |
310 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_karto" (/karto-:zoom-:lat-:lng.png) |
311 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_lotnicza" (/lotnicza-:zoom-:lat-:lng.png) |
312 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_permalink" (/permalink/:x/:y/:z/:centerx/:centery.html) |
313 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_widok_kategorii_category_subcategory" (/widok_kategorii/:x/:y/:z/:category/:subcategory.html) |
314 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "info_kategoria_page" (/informator-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
315 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "info_kategoria" (/informator-kategoria-:id-:junk.html) |
316 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_index_pager" (/informator-strona-:page.html) |
317 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_search" (/informator-szukaj.html) |
318 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_index" (/informator.html) |
319 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_index_reset" (/informator-reset.html) |
320 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_regulamin" (/dodaj_punkt_regulamin.html) |
321 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "info_sopis" (/opis-:id.html) |
322 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "info_opis" (/opis-:id-:junk.html) |
323 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "info_nowy" (/dodaj_nowy_obiekt.html) |
324 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "informator_sub" (/informator-kategoria-:sub-:junk.html) |
325 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapaInwestycje" (/mapa-inwestycji.html) |
326 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapaInwestycjeReset" (/mapa-inwestycji-reset.html) |
327 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapaInwestycje_search" (/mapa-inwestycji.html) |
328 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapaInwestycje_kategoria" (/mapa-inwestycji-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk.html) |
329 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapaInwestycje_obiekt" (/inwestycja-:id-:junk.html) |
330 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_opis_json" (/inwestycja-opis-json/:id.html) |
331 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_permalink" (/inwestycje-permalink/:x/:y/:z.html) |
332 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_permalink_category_subcategory" (/inwestycje-permalink/:x/:y/:z/:category/:subcategory.html) |
333 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_widok_kategorii" (/inwestycje_widok_kategorii/:x/:y/:z.html) |
334 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_widok_kategorii_category_subcategory" (/inwestycje_widok_widok_kategorii/:x/:y/:z/:category/:subcategory.html) |
335 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_kategoria_page" (/inwestycje-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
336 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapi_kategoria" (/inwestycje-kategoria-:id-:junk.html) |
337 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "obiekty_index_reset" (/inwestycje-reset.html) |
338 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "obiekty_search" (/inwestycje.html) |
339 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "obiekty_sopis" (/inwestycje-opis-:id.html) |
340 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "obiekty_opis" (/inwestycja-opis-:id-:junk.html) |
341 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "obiekty_sub" (/inwestycje-kategoria-:sub-:junk.html) |
342 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_index_pager" (/ogloszenia-strona-:page.html) |
343 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_index" (/ogloszenia.html) |
344 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_dzial_pager" (/ogloszenia_dzial-:id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
345 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_dzial" (/ogloszenia_dzial-:id-:junk.html) |
346 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_kategoria_pager" (/ogloszenia_kategoria-:id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
347 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_kategoria" (/ogloszenia_kategoria-:id-:junk.html) |
348 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_opis" (/ogloszenie-:id-:junk.html) |
349 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ogloszenia_new" (/nowe_ogloszenie.html) |
350 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_index" (/spacer.html) |
351 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_pager" (/spacer-strona-:page.html) |
352 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_szukaj" (/spacer-wyniki-wyszukiwania.html) |
353 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_szukaj_pager" (/spacer-wyniki-wyszukiwania-strona-:page.html) |
354 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_grupa" (/grupa-:id.html) |
355 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_grupa_pager" (/grupa-:id-:page.html) |
356 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "panofull_id" (/panoramafull-:id.html) |
357 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_id" (/panorama-:id.html) |
358 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "panofull_junk" (/panoramafull-:id-:junk.html) |
359 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "pano_junk" (/panorama-:id-:junk.html) |
360 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "barepanorama_id" (/barePanorama-:id.html) |
361 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub" (/epublikacje.html) |
362 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_index" (/epublikacje-strona-:page.html) |
363 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_kat_pages" (/epublikacje-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
364 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_grupa" (/epublikacje-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk.html) |
365 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_id" (/epublikacja-:id.html) |
366 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_junk" (/epublikacja-:id-:junk.html) |
367 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_flipbook_junk" (/flipbook-:id-:junk.html) |
368 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "epub_podglad" (/epublikacja-podglad-:id-:junk.html) |
369 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_index" (/oferty-inwestycyjne.html) |
370 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_pager" (/oferty-inwestycyjne-strona-:page.html) |
371 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_mapa" (/oferty-inwestycyjne-mapa.html) |
372 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "oferty_inwestycyjne_json" (/oferta-inwestycyjna-json-:id.html) |
373 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_kategoria" (/oferty-inwestycyjne-kategoria-:kategoria_id.html) |
374 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_opis" (/oferta-opis-:id-:junk.html) |
375 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_mapa_opis" (/oferta-lokalizacja-:ofid-:junk.html) |
376 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_podglad" (/oferta-podglad-:id-:junk.html) |
377 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_regulamin" (/oferty_inwestycyjne_regulamin.html) |
378 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_zakoncz" (/oferty_inwestycyjne_informacja.html) |
379 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "inwestycje_nowa" (/nowa_oferta_inwestycyjna.html) |
380 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia" (/multimedia.html) |
381 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_lista_reset" (/multimedia.html) |
382 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_pager" (/multimedia-strona-:page.html) |
383 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_opis_czas_start" (/multimedia-:id-:junk-:start.html) |
384 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_opis" (/multimedia-:id-:junk.html) |
385 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_opis_pager" (/multimedia-:id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
386 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_szukaj" (/multimedia-wyniki-wyszukiwania.html) |
387 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_szukaj_pager" (/multimedia-wyniki-wyszukiwania-strona-:page.html) |
388 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_kategoria_pager" (/multimedia-kategoria-:id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
389 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_temat_pager" (/multimedia-temat-:id-:junk-strona-:page.html) |
390 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_kategoria" (/multimedia-kategoria-:id-:junk.html) |
391 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_temat" (/multimedia-temat-:id-:junk.html) |
392 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_popularne" (/popularne-multimedia.html) |
393 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "multimedia_najnowsze" (/najnowsze-multimedia.html) |
394 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "mapa_strony" (/mapa_strony.html) |
395 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokumenty" (/dokumenty.html) |
396 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokumenty_szukaj" (/dokumenty-szukaj.html) |
397 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokumenty_sort" (/dokumenty-:sort-:sort_type.html) |
398 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokument" (/dokument-:dok-:junk.html) |
399 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokument_arch" (/dokument_archiwum-:id-wersja-:wersja-:junk.html) |
400 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokument_historia" (/dokument_historia-:dok-:junk.html) |
401 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokumenty_pager" (/dokumenty-:sort-:sort_type-strona-:page.html) |
402 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokument_szukaj" (/dokumenty_rodzaj-:rodzaj-:junk.html) |
403 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "dokument_podglad" (/dokument_podglad-:id.html) |
404 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia" (/zamowienia.html) |
405 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_reset" (/zamowienia-reset.html) |
406 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_szukaj" (/zamowienia-:rodzaj-:junk.html) |
407 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_archiwum" (/zamowienia-archiwum.html) |
408 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_rodzaj" (/zamowienia-rodzaj-:rodzaj-:junk.html) |
409 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_archiwum_rodzaj" (/zamowienia-archiwum-:rodzaj-:junk.html) |
410 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_sort" (/zamowienia-:sort-:sort_type.html) |
411 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_archiwum_sort" (/zamowienia-archiwum-:sort-:sort_type.html) |
412 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienie" (/zamowienie-:dok-:junk.html) |
413 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienie_arch" (/zamowienie_archiwum-:id-wersja-:wersja-:junk.html) |
414 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienie_historia" (/zamowienie_historia-:dok-:junk.html) |
415 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_pager" (/zamowienia-:strona-:sort-:sort_type.html) |
416 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_archiwum_pager" (/zamowienia-archiwum-:strona-:sort-:sort_type.html) |
417 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "zamowienia_podglad" (/zamowienie_podglad-:id-:culture.html) |
418 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter_wypisz" (/newsletter-wypisz-:key.html) |
419 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter_aktywuj" (/newsletter-aktywuj-:key.html) |
420 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter" (/newsletter.html) |
421 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter_zmien" (/newsletter-zmien-:key.html) |
422 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter_success" (/newsletter-:create.html) |
423 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "newsletter_zmiana" (/newsletter-zapisano-zmiany.html) |
424 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "polecane_linki" (/polecane-linki.html) |
425 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "polecane_linki_opis" (/polecane-linki-opis-:id-:junk.html) |
426 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "polecane_linki_nowy" (/nowy-link.html) |
427 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "polecane_linki_strona" (/polecane-linki-:page.html) |
428 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_reset_pager" (/ksiazka_adresowa-strona-:page.html) |
429 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_reset" (/ksiazka_adresowa.html) |
430 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_pager" (/ksiazka_adresowa-strona-:page.html) |
431 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa" (/ksiazka_adresowa-filtr.html) |
432 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_kategoria" (/ksiazka_adresowa-kategoria-:id.html) |
433 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_instytucja" (/ksiazka_adresowa-instytucja-:id.html) |
434 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_komorka" (/ksiazka_adresowa-komorka-:id.html) |
435 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "ksiazka_adresowa_osoba" (/ksiazka_adresowa-osoba-:id.html) |
436 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_list" (/wynajem-miejsca.html) |
437 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_new" (/wynajem-miejsce-dodaj.html) |
438 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_new_iobiekt" (/wynajem-miejsce-dodaj-:iobiekt_id.html) |
439 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_show" (/wynajem-miejsce-:id-:junk.html) |
440 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_edit" (/wynajem-edycja-miejsca-:id-:junk.html) |
441 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "miejsce_delete" (/wynajem-skasuj-miejsce-:id-:junk.html) |
442 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_list" (/wynajem-przedmioty-najmu.html) |
443 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_new" (/wynajem-przedmiot-dodaj-do-miejsca-:miejsce_id-:junk.html) |
444 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_show" (/wynajem-przedmiot-:id-:junk.html) |
445 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_edit" (/wynajem-edycja-przedmiot-:id-:junk.html) |
446 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_double" (/wynajem-kopiuj-przedmiot-:id-:junk.html) |
447 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "przedmiot_delete" (/wynajem-skasuj-przedmiot-:id-:junk.html) |
448 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_rezerwacja" (/wynajem-rezerwacja.html) |
449 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_start" (/wynajem.html) |
450 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_terminy" (/wynajem-terminy.html) |
451 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_terminy_oczekujace" (/wynajem-terminy-oczekujace.html) |
452 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_terminy_zatwierdzone" (/wynajem-terminy-zatwierdzone.html) |
453 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_terminy_odrzucone" (/wynajem-terminy-odrzucone.html) |
454 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_terminy_archiwalne" (/wynajem-terminy-archiwalne.html) |
455 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_konfiguracja" (/wynajem-konfiguracja.html) |
456 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "wynajem_pobierz" (/wynajem-pobierz-:ilosc_dni-dni-:data-przedmiot-:przedmiot_id.html) |
457 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "termin_edit" (/wynajem-edycja-terminu.html) |
458 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "korekta_dodaj" (/wynajem-dodaj-korekte.html) |
459 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "korekta_edytuj" (/wynajem-edytuj-korekte.html) |
460 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "korekta_list" (/wynajem-korekty.html) |
461 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "korekta_delete" (/wynajem-skasuj-korekte-:id.html) |
462 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_pager" (/:route-strona-:page.html) |
463 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_mapa_kat" (/:route-mapa-:kat_id-:junk.html) |
464 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_mapa_show" (/:route-mapa-show-:id-:junk.html) |
465 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_mapa" (/:route-mapa.html) |
466 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_mapa_opis" (/:route-mapa-opis-:id.html) |
467 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_index_reset" (/:route-reset.html) |
468 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_index" (/:route.html) |
469 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_kat" (/:route-kategoria-:kat_id-:junk.html) |
470 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_preview" (/:route-podglad-:id-:junk-:token.html) |
471 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "vmod_show" (/:route-:id-:junk.html) |
472 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "default_symfony" (/symfony/:action/*) |
473 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRequestRoute "aliased_url" (/:alias.:sf_format) |
474 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "default_index" (/:module) |
475 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "default" (/:module/:action/*) |
476 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/login) |
477 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/logout) |
478 | PatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_password" (/request_password) |
479 | PatternRouting | Match route "default" (/:module/:action/*) for /logowanie/rejestracja.html with parameters array ( 'module' => 'logowanie', 'action' => 'rejestracja',) |
480 | FilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
481 | FilterChain | Executing filter "sfCommonFilter" |
482 | FilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
483 | logowanieActions | Call "logowanieActions->executeRejestracja()" |
484 | PHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/logowanie/templates/rejestracjaSuccess.php" |
485 | PHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/skin_01/portal.php" |
486 | PHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/skin_01/portal.php" |
487 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_common_header.php" |
488 | main | Get slot "custom_styles" |
489 | main | Get slot "scripts" |
490 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_google_maps_api_key.php" |
491 | main | Call "Common->executeBaner()" |
492 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_baner.php" |
493 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
494 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
495 | main | Call "Common->executeBaner()" |
496 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_baner.php" |
497 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
498 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
499 | main | Call "Common->executeMainMenu()" |
500 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_mainMenu.php" |
501 | main | Call "Common->executeBaner()" |
502 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_baner.php" |
503 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
504 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
505 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_iconBar.php" |
506 | main | Call "Common->executeLogowanie()" |
507 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_logowanie.php" |
508 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_bezBarier.php" |
509 | main | Call "Common->executeWyszukiwarka()" |
510 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_wyszukiwarka.php" |
511 | main | Call "Common->executeBaner()" |
512 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_baner.php" |
513 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
514 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
515 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
516 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
517 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
518 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
519 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
520 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
521 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
522 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
523 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
524 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
525 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
526 | main | Call "portal->executePodstrony_menu()" |
527 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
528 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/portal/templates/_zajawka.php" |
529 | main | Call "Common->executeNawigator()" |
530 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_nawigator.php" |
531 | main | Call "Common->executeMenu()" |
532 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_menu.php" |
533 | main | Call "logowanie->executeMenu()" |
534 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/logowanie/templates/_menu.php" |
535 | main | Call "wnsk_wniosek->executeMenu()" |
536 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_flashes.php" |
537 | main | Call "Common->executeBaner()" |
538 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_baner.php" |
539 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
540 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
541 | main | Call "Common->executeStopka()" |
542 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_stopka.php" |
543 | main | Call "banery->executeShow()" |
544 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/banery/templates/_show.php" |
545 | main | Call "chatgpt->executeAssistant()" |
546 | main | Call "chat_online->executeAssistant()" |
547 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_mobile_menu.php" |
548 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_google_analytics_api_key.php" |
549 | PartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/Common/templates/_common_body.php" |
550 | skinWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
551 | skinWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |